Friday, May 15, 2015

Competency 3- Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

RICA Reflection
Competency 3: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

Being phonological aware by knowing the difference that each letter makes a different sound and how you can build upon that knowledge. Here is a website to read and find out more information. Reading Rockets

Personal Connection/Evidence
Word blending is strategy that I have worked on with my tutees. I noticed when we were reading that they would both stumble when the word was really long. I knew that they knew the both of the words but now they were faced with the words being combined.  SH+__ =____ they would put the ending sound and draw a picture. We also did COW+BOY= Cowboy.

Reteaching skills that are lacking is something needed when you have a EL students. In the first grade class, I had to change the pace of my instruction because I was moving to fast for one of my students. As the rest of the class was working individually on a project I pulled the student aside to reteach and change the mode of my lesson. I went back to teach different terms that I thought he was having difficulties with in able to scaffold a little but more with him. In the end he was able to understand the lesson.

A concept that we practiced daily, was syllable blending. This is where you break a word apart based on its syllables, for example, sis plus ter equals sister. I never realized that this was a hard concept but it is definitely needed for first graders. I love that we practice these skills daily. Another skill that we made sure to concentrate on was there ability to be able to change and understand onset and rime blending. that is when you /b/ plus ank and the children need to say bank. Here are some games that will help with syllable blending

Meeting the Needs of All Learners
For the English Language Learners they will work harder on the lessons that do not exist in their home language. For instance, in Spanish the h sound does not exist so I will make sure that my students will know how to produce and verbalize the sound.  

Students will be provided with extra opportunities to practice a skill in order to learn it, this could be done in social groups, one-on-one, or at home with their parents.

There are several assessments that each student will be assessed by: Entry-Level, Progressing-Monitoring, and Summative. The Entry-Level Assessment will test the students on the phonological awareness before the lesson begins, Progressing-Monitoring Assessment assesses “the student proficiency both during a lesson and in the middle of a unit” and Summative Assessment occurs at the end of the lesson.

Text-to-Text Connections
“In fact, the level of a child’s phonemic awareness in kindergarten correlates strongly with his or her level of reading achievement (word recognition and comprehension) at the end of first grade.” (Ready for Revised RICA p. 25)

“Language and literacy learning are inseparable. Learning to read needs to be understood in terms of learning to use written language effectively.” (Reading and Learning to Read p. 17)

TPE Connections
TPE 1: Subject Specific Pedagogy
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
TPE 4: Making Content Accessible
TPE 5: Student Engagement

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