Competency 2- Reading Assessment

RICA Reflection
Competency 2: Reading Assessment
RICA Competency number 2 addresses how students will be assessed throughout the year to gather specific information regarding their reading development. They will be given entry-level, monitoring of progress, and summative assessments.

Personal Connection/Evidence
There are a many ways that I have engaged with this competency.

I administered three different entry-level assessments on a 2nd grade student. Two assessments were informal reading inventories (Phonemic Awareness Assessment and Phonics and Decoding Assessment) and one word recognition list (San Diego Quick). The results helped me determine the student’s reading level.

I also scored a Graded Reading Passage administered to a 3rd grader. I used a scoring sheet to examine the student’s oral reading errors, which is called, miscue analysis.  I was able to identify graphophonemic errors, semantic errors, and syntactic errors.  An example of a graphophonemic error the student made was reading the word as “Marrah” in place of “Maria.” The results of the Graded Reading Passages determine the students’ reading level as independent, instructional, or frustration.  The results of the 3rd graders I scored as being at the instructional reading level.

Meeting the Needs of All Learners
English Language Learners will be given more time to complete the test if needed. Directions of the test will be read to the student in their native language when appropriate such as during an informal assessment.

Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan will be given the appropriate testing adjustments on case-by-case bases. To better understand about IEP's click here
1.     Students will need to be given more time.
2.     The test will be divided into smaller units. For example, the test will be divided into two sections that will be taken on two separate days.
3.     A change in the mode of delivery of the assessment will be given. For example, instead of requiring a written response the student will be asked to given an oral response.
4.     Students will be given the opportunity to practice the assessment with the support of the teacher using an alternative assessment.

Results on reading assessments will be communicated through individual conferences with the teacher. It is recommended that teachers meet with each student for about 15 minutes every 3 weeks to provide corrective feedback.

Parent/Guardian Conferences will also be provided within the school year.

Parents will be contacted by emails and telephone calls if something of importance either positive or negative should arise with in the day.
Text-to-Text Connections

Home-school interactions: Parents are involved as partners and work collaboratively with teachers to provide education in the home and school. Regular home-school communication occurs, and parents are invited to observe and participate in classroom and school events. “ (TELL p.10)

“Informal measures of reading such as reading inventories, miscue analyses, and running records yield useful information about student performance that can be used to inform and guide instruction.” (RLTR p.153)

“Keeping track of students’ growth in reading, their use of cueing systems of language- semantics, syntax, and graphophonemics- can help teachers understand the process that goes on in readers’ minds” (RLTR p.162)

TPE Connections

TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments

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