Competency 1- Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instructions

RICA Reflection
Competency 1: Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instruction

RICA Competency number one addresses how to plan, organize and implement a reading program that will meet the standards placed by California English-Language Arts Content by teaching through many modalities.

Personal Connection/Evidence
I have personally connected to many different modalities in this competency.

I have figure out the great need for systematic, direct and explicit instruction. In direct and explicit instruction are more for a small group. I have lead my students in small groups to make sure that they are receiving the special support they need to be successful in reading. Systematic instruction is important as well, which I have done, I sat the class down and read a big book with them. It is important to teach them the reading skills or going left to right and how to trace where you are.

Through scaffolding I have shown my students by modeling how to think aloud and how to process the material that they are reading to find the theme of the book. As I was modeling and then they were showing me how they did it I was engaging and motivating my students to do the best they can. I know sometimes new concepts are hard but together we can do it.

I have gone to the library with my students to pick out reading books for their reading time. Finding their independent reading level was a bit of a challenge but I used the “Five Finger Test” and we were successful.

Meeting the Needs of All Learners
English Language Learners will be given more time to complete the work if needed.
Students will be put into different groups based on academic levels with support.

Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan will be given the appropriate time adjustments on case-by-case bases given the assignment.
1.     Students will need to be given more time.
2.     Students will have benchmark goals to make ensure instruction levels are being reached.
3.     A change in the mode of delivery of the instruction will be given. For example, instead of classwork the student can work on a small group or one-on-one with the teacher.

Grade-Level Meetings will occur to make sure that all students are reaching their English-Language Arts Content Standards through setting benchmarks and by having a group of teachers’ problem solving along the way.
Text-to-Text Connections
“Independent reading level + Personal interest= Best chance of success” (Ready for Revised RICA p. 10)

“Teachers make a difference. The more informed and knowledgeable they are, the more teachers are able to deal with the complexities of literacy learning as they respond to the how, when, and why of instruction.” (Reading and Learning to Read p. 41)

TPE Connections
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
TPE 9: Instructional Planning
TPE 10: Instructional Time


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