Friday, May 15, 2015

Educational Philosophy

Beliefs About Teaching and Learning

What will be my primary role as a teacher? I hope that I will be an inspiration. I hope to inspire my future students to be successful and try hard at all that they do. I know that I will have to lead by example by showing them what it means to be all these things and I am up to the challenge. Being a constructivist view, I hope to tap into what the kids already know and help develop a deeper understanding of their knowledge. I know that I will have some challenges along the way but I know that I will take that extra step in learning and considering the best way for my students to learn. Figuring out what works best for them and me is going to be an exciting adventure that I can’t wait to begin. I do however know that it will take the two of us to make the learning happen. Whatever effort they put in I will try to surpass it by leaps and bounds. I hope to inspire my kids to shoot for the stars and never give up. I can’t wait to start impacting the lives of my students on a daily basis.

Beliefs About Students

Without having preconceived ideas on whom or how your students will learn will be the approach for me. All students are capable of learning no matter what background they come from. By not having the preconceived idea this will let the students present who they want to be with me and by not having their previous teacher tell me how they acted and learned. You never know, they just may want to change their “stripes”. I will want them to have a personal connection with me and help me help them with the way they want to be taught. (To a certain degree, of course)  Also, knowing that I am a trustworthy person will help them feel free to open up and share with me some of their struggles and woes.

Beliefs About Knowledge

Knowledge is powerful thing; it’s the key to the future of your students. Knowing which belief you have in the view of knowledge is huge. I will say that I am more of a conceptually viewing teacher with rote manner tendencies. I think it depends on the subject manner in which you are teaching. I feel that being flexible will be key to being successful -what you think may work for some kids may not for others. Being willing to try and engage students any way possible will help them in their future. I couldn’t agree more with this quote “Good teaching is just having a center of yourself and an understanding of who you are in front of the kids and who they need you to be.” You become their role models and whom they look up to for guidance. I hope that I will be remembered for many years as the teacher that shaped them into being the successful person that they are.

Beliefs About What is Worth Knowing

We are all different and that is what makes the world go round. Having beliefs of different teaching techniques makes you unique. I would say that, I would have a bag full of tricks that will help me. Be it a transmission view, classic, constructivist, cognitive or developing the whole child viewpoint I believe I would be ready for anything. I don’t see myself being just one of these viewpoints. I know that I will change throughout the years and cannot wait to see which I lean more towards.  My end goal for the students is to be successful yet challenged and how I end up getting to that point is a mystery to me.

Personal Philosophy Beliefs About Education

I am passionate in the education of my students. I will do everything in my power to make my kids be successful hence that I am Progressivism. By showing them that they are still an individual and can formulate their thoughts will help them in their future and make them learn from their experiences. Having their personal experiences will help shape their future as well as let them be active in their learning. I hope to encourage, nurture and unlock their potential for the future.

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